Welcome to Fleet Driver Training / with Chris Deller Driver Training

swindondrivinglessons.uk Welcome to Fleet Driver Training / with Chris Deller Driver Training

Whether you manage a compact company vehicle fleet or oversee a sizable one, if you employ drivers to fulfill your business’s on-road requirements, you bear a responsibility for your employees’ well-being and must adhere to various legal obligations. Our team at Chris Deller Driver Training is here to assist you in this endeavor.

Our Expertise:

  • We offer expert guidance on best driving practices.
  • We conduct comprehensive on-road assessments.
  • We can provide engaging classroom training sessions.

What We Deliver:

  • Valuable insights to elevate your drivers’ skills to a higher standard.
  • Promotion of thoughtful, responsible driving behavior.
  • A professional image that enhances your business’s reputation.
  • Savings on company operational costs through safe and fuel-efficient driving techniques.
  • Reduced wear and tear on your company’s vehicles.

At Chris Deller Driver Training, we are committed to ensuring the safety and efficiency of your fleet. Contact us today to learn how we can help.